Sunday, August 5, 2012


treehouse via MLS listing

Last week I read two inspiring posts from bloggers I read often, one was Emily Clark on the story of our home - the first year and I couldn't agree more with her first two sentences... "Every house has a story. I think that's why we can get so emotionally attached to them."  I've always been interested in houses in general and I recently became attached to a house (not mine) which leads to the next post.  Lauren Liess recently wrote about buying a new home when she was happy with the home the currently owned and lived in. I read these posts in the same week and during that same week found out that a home I wanted (even though I love my current home!) and had been on the market on and off for THREE years was under contract.  Somehow I got emotionally attached to the house for sale (aka treehouse) and was trying to figure out the specifics of how that house would work for my family/what remodeling needed to be done/budgeting etc. when I found out it was under contract.  I think the biggest shock to me was how long it had been listed and sitting empty and now suddenly gone.

After finding out there was (most likely) no chance of the treehouse being mine, I began to make a list of why it wouldn't be appropriate for my family and everything I would want to change about it.  The combination of the two posts listed above and realizing all that my husband and I want in our next house (whether buying existing or building a new home) led to the creation of this blog - where I plan to explore houses and journal for myself what our dream next house would have.

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